
New Guinea: Birds of Paradise

New Guinea Characteristics Location: It is located in the continent of Oceania, New Guinea  covers 452,860 square kilometers of land and 9,980 square kilometers of water, making it the 55th largest nation in the world with a total area of 462,840 square kilometers. Climate: The climate in Papua New Guinea is hot and humid throughout the year along the coasts and in the plains, while it is progressively cooler, and then colder, as you go up in altitude. In much of the country, covered with dense rainforests, there is no dry season, so we can speak of  equatorial climate , while in some inland valleys and along the south coast, there is a relatively dry season from July to September, and therefore the climate is  tropical .  Population: The population of New Guinea is of 8,548,805 people. Fauna: The fauna of Papua New Guinea is one of the richest in the world and it is impossible to give exact numbers of species found in New Guinea. Many species, particularly
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